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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Best SEO Tips for Word Press and Blogs

This post is all for SEO Tips. Your blog is only as successful as the amount of visitors, and no one will even know about your Word Press blog unless they can find it. (SEO Tips) SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a fancy term for making sure search engines can find your blog SEO Tips.

Optimizing your blog for search engines is one very effective way to get your blog noticed. When web surfers search for any one of the keywords you have chosen to describe your blog, hopefully your blog will be one that appears in the search results. Here are some tips to make sure that Google and Yahoo especially will rank your blog higher on their search results.

Best SEO Tips for WordPress are below

Stick to a Central Topic
Basing your blog around one theme allows for search engines to pick up your blog easier. It also gives your readers a clear concept of your blog and lets them know what to expect from you.
Most Important SEO Tips is Use Keywords
Keywords are 2 to 3 word phrases that accurately describe your blog content. Make sure that these keywords are used in strategic locations throughout your blog. Use them for a Categories list, place them within the content of your articles, use them in titles when possible, and place them in headers. Also, be sure to use only one keyword per article, otherwise you will end up confusing search engines.

Use Simple URLs for best SEO Tips

Make sure that articles can be reached through a simple URL and use the title of the article in the URL. For instance, one article may have the URL of You should be able to edit your URLs in the blog editing section of WordPress.

For Changing Permalink Structure read the previous article;

More SEO Tips

Do Not Block Search Engines

WordPress can be set to actually block search engines. Go to Options>Privacy to make sure your WordPress blog accepts search engines.

Use Pinging to Notify Bots of New Content

A ping notifies search bots that your site has new content to search. This is a good thing but can be overused. Everytime you edit your blog, pinging takes place. SEO is SensitiveIf you edit too much, your site may be considered a spam site and Google could place a warning next to your site when listed.

Timestamping Allows Your Posts to be Scheduled

Since blogging is usually done on a random time table, you will likely write a lot of blogs at one time and then no more for a while. This is a problem for your followers. They will be showered with more blogs than they can read and then forget about you during the absent times. Timestamping allows you to set a date and time to release your blogs so that you can spread them out. Just hit the plus button next to “Timestamping” and do not hit the publish button.

Tags are Great for Additional Keywords

The newer versions of WordPress allow the use of tags. All you need to do is enter your keywords into the tags section of your blog posting. Make sure you only stick to one main keyword per article. For seo tips For instance, the keyword you used for a certain article may be “lawn care services” and lesser keywords you could enter in the tag section could be “tips” and “tricks.”

Add Social Media Buttons

By adding social media buttons to your blog, you can enable your followers to promote it. You are also allowing for naturally formed links, which drives more traffic to your blog.

Of course, SEO for WordPress blogs can get even more complicated than this list calls for, but start here before trying to tackle the harder tasks. Once you feel confident that these first steps are complete for SEO Tips, do some more research to continue optimizing your WordPress blog for search engines. Bye for SEO Tips

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